
How to Overcome Fear in Business?

July 17, 2024

Let’s have an honest conversation and offer some useful tips about how to overcome fear in business to reach your full potential as a business owner.

A few weeks ago, I attended the Electrify Event for female founders and entrepreneurs.

One of the speakers was Anna Curzon, former Chief Product Officer at Xero and now a Director at Kiwibank. Her words kicked butt:

"Let's stop talking about Imposter Syndrome."


It's fair to say there wasn’t a person in the room who wasn’t tired of being held back by the fear of not being good enough.

That’s me included.

How To Overcome Fear In Business?

I know, I know.

People who know me, or even those who have worked with me, often describe me as a strong and independent woman.

And I am. Mostly. But part of that is my business persona. Does it mean I am a stranger to fear? Heck no!

I know fear just as well as the next person.

Even the apparently most confident business person has a battle with fear on some level. And we women are experts in it.

So, today, let’s be brave and ask ourselves the question we prefer to skirt around.


Because while a certain amount of fear undoubtedly has its use in some situations, too often in a business context fear is limiting, even paralyzing.

So, can we overcome fear to find business success? And if so, HOW?

The Four Core Fears That May Be Hurting Your Business

There are actually four core fears that dominate our lives and decisions. We may not be aware of it, but recognising them is the first step to overcoming them.

No need to say this is a lifelong journey.

The Four Core Fears are:

  1. Imposter Syndrome: We already touched on this one. It’s the little voice in your head saying “I’m not good enough?”
  2. Comparison
  3. Self-Doubt
  4. FOPO, or Fear of Other People’s Opinions (not to be confused with FOMO). I’m sure you’ve heard about the book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson discussing this subject. It’s on my reading list.

Let’s NOT Talk About Imposter Syndrome

But let’s go back to the event with Anna Curzon and why her comment on Imposter Syndrome caused the entire room to roar.

I cheered with any of these other women because when we tell ourselves we are not good enough, we immediately look for evidence to prove it. It’s called confirmation bias: if you think you can, you're right, and if you think you can't, you're right.

So here’s a thought.

👉 What if we flip the whole thing on its head? What if we promise ourselves, from now on, to tell ourselves we ARE good enough? I’m not an expert in imposter syndrome but logic says we’ll start looking for proof of that thought too, no?

Because, the mind is a powerful thing.

My Own Journey with Fear

As I mentioned before, I—like everybody else—am no stranger to fear.

At the start of the year, I made it my mission to become more conscious about my own thoughts, doubts, and beliefs. So, I decided to join a coaching programme.

In three words: it has been transformative.

I’m very aware of how your fears can hold you hostage from making the best decisions in your business. So down the FOPO route I went.

What are my fears? Where do my fears come from? What happened to me for these fears to be there? Is fear hurting my business? And how do I break free from this?

In this group coaching, there was a strong focus on analysing the fear of "what everyone will think."

For starters, who the heck is ‘EVERYONE’? My mother? My sister? The neighbour across the road? Do they even care? Deep down, does it matter to me what they think? And what would happen if I only cared about what I think is the right thing to do?

I came to the conclusion that people generally don’t give a hoot about what I do. Once I realised that, it was an easy decision to only take action based on what I think in the future.

It does not mean I don’t want to hear other people’s opinions. It means I can listen to them, consider their advice or opinion, and then adopt it or reject it, BASED ON WHAT I THINK.

But this insight goes both ways.

Stepping Away From FOPO Is A Two-Way Street

Do I expect other people to care about what I think of them? 🤔

This brings me to one of my core communication values—to care deeply. Subsequently, when I share my opinion, I aim to deliver my viewpoint clearly, concisely, and with a kind heart.

My goal should never be to change someone’s thinking or to be judgmental. All I can hope to offer is a different viewpoint for them to consider. From there, it’s up to them to either take it on board or not.

The point is, I should not care about other people’s decision either way. I shouldn’t attach judgement either. It’s their decision to make and theirs alone.

The only decision for me to make is ... DO I WANT TO SPEND MORE OR LESS TIME WITH THEM?

My Tips For Becoming Fearless In Business

But enough about me, let’s see how I can help you.

I want to leave you with a few practical tips to help you overcome these core fears that may be hurting your business.

In a few words, these 5 steps are what helped me.

  1. Acknowledge Your Fears: The first step to overcoming any fear is to acknowledge it. Write down what you’re afraid of and why. Put it on paper. No one is going to see it.
  2. Challenge Your Thoughts: Question the validity of your fears. Are they based on facts or assumptions?
  3. Focus on Your Values: Identify your core values and let them guide your actions, rather than the opinions of others.
  4. Take Action: Start with small steps. Each action you take towards your goal will build your confidence and diminish your fears.
  5. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to reach out to mentors, coaches, or supportive friends who can help you navigate your fears.

Remember, I am here for you too.

As a certified business coach, I'm here to help you overcome fear to find business success. With my skills, experience, and a whole lot of compassion, I'm dedicated to your goals.

Don't let fear highjack your joy and success in business and reach out for help when you need it.

Empowering Affirmations To Conquer Business Fears

Confirmation bias doesn’t only play a role in when you’re battling imposter syndrome.

No matter which core fear stops us from making the best decisions in our business, our mindset matters.

Being a female business owner can be tough, especially when fear and self-doubt start creeping in.

But let's take a moment to remind ourselves of some important truths:

♥ You matter.
♥ Your needs matter.
♥ Your dreams matter.
♥ Your joy matters.
♥ Your health matters.
♥ Your happiness matters.
♥ Your life matters.
♥ Your decisions matter.
♥ You matter.

You deserve all the good things.

But here's the catch—you've got to make it happen for yourself. There's no knight in shining armour on a white horse to chase away your fears. It's all on you.

But that's a good thing! It means you're in control. You have the power to shape your future, face your fears, and make your dreams come true. So take a deep breath, believe in yourself, and go out there and make it happen.


Until next time, take care, keep dreaming big, planning well, and building your business your way.

Level-up your mindset to scale-up your business

DOWNLOAD this FREE e-book "Mindset Mastery: Shifting from Hustle to Scale", designed to help you break free from the hustle mentality and embrace a scalable growth mindset. 

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