
Best Podcast Episode for Small Business Owners – Mattie’s Pick

October 11, 2023

Just like last episode, I’m handing the mic to a member of my podcast team. This week it’s Mattie’s turn, my content writer. She shares what she thinks is the best podcast episode for small business owners (who are also mums).

After giving the mic to my Lynda, my editor. This week it’s Mattie Belsack from Bellbird Writing’s turn to share her favourite BYW podcast episode. Mattie is my content writer.

Mattie has the gift of the pen (or should that be “the keyboard” these days? )

She takes my story from the podcast and puts it to paper in “my voice”. Then she makes sure it’s SEO-friendly. She also writes the email that introduces the new podcast and blog episode.

Mattie and Business Your Way

Mattie and my journey together started before Business Your Way existed. She started writing for Auaha (my business events company) in 2020, at the start of the pandemic.

As I watched my business pipeline disappear in front of my eyes in a matter of a week, I had to find a way to remain relevant in a drowning industry and generate some business so I could make it to the other end. It’s fair to say it was an Argh-moment.

So I did 2 things (I actually, I did more than 2 things, but it’s these 2 that are relevant in this story):

  • I started a podcast and blog, interviewing all kinds of people working in the events industry to raise our profile.
  • I became an expert in virtual events that didn’t feel like a clumsy compromise in a world that was in lockdown. The blog became a way to communicate these novel thoughts and ideas.

Mattie was involved in both these things.

When I started the Business Your Way podcast and blog, she was the natural choice to help create the best podcast episode for small business owners. Or at least, the written content side of it.

I mean, it’s not easy to hand over your brain baby and trust somebody will do it justice. But we work well together. She knows how I roll and she’s good at capturing my voice and my message.

Best Podcast Episode For Small Business Owners… And Beyond

We both share a love for processes. And because she’s a business owner herself, she understands what I’m talking about.

It’s hard to pick a best podcast episode for small business owners from the growing BYW catalogue.

A few weeks ago, Mattie told me how she passed on my podcast about creating Standard Operating Procedures to her husband, who had decided there was room for improvement in that department in his business. She said he was over the moon with it.
Apparently it’s not the first time he discussed something about his service business, upon which she pulls some BYW wisdom.

Maybe I should hire her as my sidekick coach? 😂

Mattie’s Favourite BYW Podcast Episode

But all joking aside, when I ask Mattie about her favourite BYW podcast episode, she says this:

“ That must be the episode with Rachel Reiter about what it means to be a mum in business. I love it because it is such a deeply human conversation that doesn’t shy away from being vulnerable. As a business owner and a mum too, I recognise it doesn’t get more honest than that.

But as a content writer, I like to find the human in the story. Because ultimately, that’s what your readers and listeners connect with.

I think it is a very brave episode. It may not be the most insightful from a practical business how-to point of view. But on a human level, it’s deep and powerful. We women don’t always talk about the sacrifices we make and the struggles we have with juggling motherhood and being business owner. We put up a brave face and soldier on.

Sometimes, hearing somebody else admit that it’s not always easy is all it takes to recognise we are not alone. But also, that our struggles are real and there is a way through it. “

So with that said, here’s Mattie’s favourite BYW podcast episode.

I hope you enjoy it.

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