Unlock Your Business Potential: Transform Your Mindset, Elevate Your Success 

I help you stop spinning your wheels, feeling overwhelmed, or second-guessing your every move, to scale your business, increase profits, and crush your goals. You’ll gain the clarity, confidence, and strategies needed to become the successful, balanced leader you've always aspired to be.

You started this business because you wanted to call the shots!

Every twist and turn on your entrepreneurial journey has been a stepping stone to the remarkable business you've built today.

Each decision, each challenge, and every late night working on your passion project – they all culminate in the success story that is uniquely yours.

It's more than just a business; it's a testament to your dedication, resilience, and the unwavering belief that led you to call the shots in the first place. 

But it's not always smooth sailing

While you possess the undeniable potential to scale your business, boost profits, and conquer your goals, the reality is, each attempt feels like spinning wheels in the mud—overwhelmed and plagued by constant second-guessing your every move.

  • You feel like you’ve hit a growth ceiling, trapped in the “messy middle”. You unsure of the next best move and you’re just spinning your wheels.
  • You’re struggling to turn your hard work into a substantial income, leaving you overworked and underappreciated.
  • You’re constantly mulling over how to get more clients, to make more money, so you can delegate more, only to find yourself in a frustrating cycle of stagnation.
  • You feel stuck and frustrated that you’re unable to move forward.

What if it didn't have to be this complicated?

How would your world be different if you could transform your business, crush your goals, and become the boss you've always envisioned?

You’re craving guidance from someone who not only understands your journey but has navigated the same challenges, providing personalised support tailored to your unique situation.

You dream of waking up each morning feeling confident, knowing you’re in control of how you’re growing your business and your impact

You want to finally let go of working evenings and weekends just to keep your head above water

You want jaw-dropping results in your business, all while preserving and cherishing precious family and personal time

I've walked the path, striving for business excellence while craving more person time. I get it!

I understand that you started this entrepreneurial journey seeking more freedom. And I know it's all too easy to get caught up in the constant cycle of selling and delivering, leaving very little time to focus on scaling your business. I’ve been there!  I’m here to be your guide, supporting  you as you carve out your unique path to success, so you can transform your business, crush your goals, and become the boss you've always aspired to be.  It's about achieving these milestones without sacrificing your well-being and succumbing to exhaustion.


Sandra Julian

Business Transformation Coach

Kia ora, I’m Sandra, your dedicated business coach specialising in guiding service-based indigenous women entrepreneurs toward transformative success. With over two decades as an entrepreneur and agency owner, I bring invaluable insights to make your journey towards business excellence effortless.

As the proud founder of a thriving agency business, I intimately understand the delicate balance between streamlining operations and delivering exceptional services. This delicate dance has not only fueled my business's success but has also garnered a loyal community of returning and referring clients.

My approach blends entrepreneurial ambition with deep-rooted cultural values. I'm here to empower you to attract high-quality clients, boost profits, and reclaim your precious time. Together, we'll embark on a transformative journey, honing your business acumen while staying true to your heritage. Let's pave the way for a thriving and influential business, uniquely on your terms.

Full Focus Certified Pro
Mindvalley Certified Business Coach

Imagine that moment when you have ...

A Booming Aligned Business

You will implement scalable growth to create a thriving integrated business.

An Empowered Team

With the right steps in place your team will be trained, loyal and joyful.

A Happier You

Replace the tension and confusion with clarity and freedom to live your best life.

Then you're in exactly the right place

Lynda Stevenson

The goal setting was refreshing to me to look at my goals this year to replace my day job income - below my mind!  And actually takes the anxiety out of goal setting. Because that's a simple first step for me to take and it also alleviates the procrastination aspect.


Sandra is just lovely to work with! Her strategy and platform knowledge (in addition to her suggestions and feedback) created a system that now serves as the backbone of my organizational process.


How we work together

In my one-on-one coaching container, we engage in deep, transformative conversations that help you uncover your own knowledge and identify solutions unique to your business. This personalised journey is designed to empower you to find clarity, confidence, and strategies that resonate with your vision and goals.

Our coaching sessions will help you cultivate a resilient and growth-oriented mindset essential for business success. We’ll work on overcoming limiting beliefs, building confidence, and developing the mental resilience needed to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship.

 Together, we'll craft a culturally aligned powerhouse that resonates deeply with your unique identity and serves your clients authentically.

Here’s a glimpse of what we can work on together:

  • Vision and Strategy Development: We’ll create a compelling vision for your business and develop a strategic roadmap to achieve it. This includes defining your long-term goals, identifying key milestones, and setting actionable steps to reach them.
  • Sales and Revenue Growth: Enhance your sales processes and strategies to boost your revenue. We’ll work on improving your sales funnel, mastering client consultations, and implementing pricing strategies that reflect the value you provide.
  • Operational Efficiency: Streamline your business operations to achieve effortless growth. This involves optimising your workflows, automating repetitive tasks, and implementing systems that save you time and reduce stress.
  • Team Building and Leadership: Build an empowered team that frees you from the daily grind. We’ll focus on hiring the right people, fostering a positive team culture, and developing leadership skills that inspire and motivate your team.
  • Financial Management: Gain control over your finances with effective financial management practices. This includes budgeting, forecasting, and developing strategies to manage cash flow and increase profitability.
  • Cultural Integration: Ensure your business practices are culturally aligned and resonate with your unique identity. We’ll integrate your cultural values into your business operations, branding, and client interactions, creating a strong and authentic presence in the market.

Curious about how we make this happen?

Here's what you can expect from signing on for one of my coaching programmes

  • 45-minute one-on-one virtual coaching calls that will take place via Zoom
  • Voxer access as you do the work so you have support in-between our calls
  • My eyes on your work to review and provide feedback, as required, to give you the confidence to keep taking action
  • a personalised online portal to record your progress an measure your success
  • workbooks, resources and templates (where applicable) so you can see results faster
  • Lifetime access to coaching call recordings.

Your Investment Options


3 months of personalised coaching



What's included

  • 6 x 45 minute coaching sessions
  • 3 months Voxer access
  • My eyes on your work
  • a personalised online portal
  • workbooks, resources and templates (where applicable) 
  • Lifetime access to coaching call recordings 


12 months of personalised coaching



What's included

  • 24 x 45 minute coaching sessions
  • 12 months Voxer access
  • My eyes on your work
  • a personalised online portal
  • workbooks, resources and templates (where applicable) 
  • Lifetime access to coaching call recordings 

Ready to transform your business?

Click below to book your free discovery call and start your journey towards achieving remarkable results and sustainable growth.

Coaching is for you if

  • You’re exhausted from working non-stop and feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your business.
  • You’re spending so many hours on your business that you barely have any personal time or energy left for yourself or your loved ones.
  • Your income depends entirely on your direct involvement, and you can’t see a way to grow or scale without being constantly tied to the business.
  • Despite all the hard work you put in, you feel like you’re just keeping your head above water without making any real progress.
  • You’re constantly second-guessing your pricing and wondering if your packages are good enough.
  • You’re ready to get out of the daily grind of operations and deliverables and want to eliminate the tasks you dread.

Results you can expect

As a Transformation Coach, Certified Business Coach, and Full Focus Certified Pro, I bring a unique blend of skills and strategies designed to empower service-based business owners to step into their leadership roles and effectively scale their business.

Working with me, you can expect:

  • Enhanced Leadership Skills: Become a more confident focused leader, ready to guide your business to success.
  • Improved Time Management: Learn to use your time more effectively, allowing you to balance professional and personal commitments.
  • Increased Confidence: Overcome self-doubt and stress to approach challenges with a calm, winning mentality.
  • Financial Growth: Implement strategies to ensure your hard work is reflected in your bank account.
  • Scalable Business Models: Develop systems and processes that allow your business to grow without you being constantly tied to it.
  • Personal and Professional Growth: Thrive in both your business and personal life as you unlock your full potential.

How it Works

If you’re ready to get started, here’s what to do


Book Your Discovery Call

Click the button below to book your free Business Check-in


Craft the Plan

Together we’ll set the goals and create the plan


Implement & Win

I’ll be there every step of the way as you put the plan into action

Ready to get started?

At this point, you’ve got two choices. You can continue to navigate your journey alone, facing the challenges and hurdles on your own. 

OR you can choose a different path.

I'm genuinely excited about the opportunity to support you on this transformative journey. If you're ready to explore how coaching with me can elevate your business and life, click the button below to book your free business scale scan. Let's take the first step together towards unlocking the boundless potential that awaits you.